IAM Roles Anywhere
I have recently used AWS feature called “IAM Roles Anywhere” in order to access AWS services from another cloud. In this post I’ll outline the process and the experience.
Baseline: IAM Roles for Service Accounts
If you’re running Kubernetes inside AWS, you can use IAM Roles for Service Accounts, where you annotate your Kubernetes service accounts with the desired role, and magic happens.
For example, your K8S service account might look like this
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: ray
namespace: ray
eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/ray
And the IAM role might have the following trust policy to allow access from K8S:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:oidc-provider/oidc.eks.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/id/NNN"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"oidc.eks.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/id/NNN:sub": "system:serviceaccount:ray:ray"
With this definitions, any pod using your service account automatically assume the specified IAM role&mdashvery easy and convenient.
Authorization for external workloads
If your workload run outside of AWS, the most common choice is to create a new user, give it the necessary permissions, and generate access key. However, if that key is compromised, an attacker can use the key with no contraints.
IAM Roles Anywhere aims to improve things. You need to have a public key CA, and you configure AWS to trust that CA. You then issue a X.509 certificate for your workload. There is an API call that allows to request session tokens for a specific IAM role, and if that API call is signed by the client certificate, IAM will accept it and issue the session token that can be used in further API calls.
IAM Roles Anywhere Walktrough
Create a Private CA
To speed up things, I created AWS Private CA. While it costs 400 dollars per months, if you never used it before,
the first 30 days are free. I have created a new CA using appropriate names for company and business units,
and used ECDSA P384
key algorith and SHA256 ECDSA
signature algorithm. When you create a new CA,
it has “Pending certificate” state, you must explicitly select “Get CA Certificate” from
the actions menu. Finally, record the ARN for the created CA, as we’ll need it below.
Configure IAM Roles Anywhere
In the console, you need to create a “trust anchor” from your private CA, and then a “profile” that is associated with the desired IAM Role. This is well described in the documentation.
Create a client certificate.
Creating a client certificate is just a set of CLI commands
$ openssl ecparam -out ec_key.pem -name secp384r1 -genkey
$ openssl req -out csr.pem -new -key ec_key.pem -nodes -keyout private-key.pem
... input names for certificate ...
$ aws acm-pca issue-certificate \
--certificate-authority ...CA ARN... \
--csr fileb://csr.pem \
--signing-algorithm "SHA256WITHECDSA" \
--validity Value=365,Type="DAYS"
... outputs certificate ARN ...
aws acm-pca get-certificate \
--certificate-arn ...Certificate ARN...
--certificate-authority-arn ...CA ARN... | \
jq -r '.Certificate' > certificate.pem
Check authentication with the certificate
The AWS SDK does not directly support using IAM Roles Anywhere. You need to run a separate
utility, aws_signing_helper
that will obtain session token. The utility can be downloaded from the releases page.
Then, run
./aws_signing_helper credential-process \
--certificate certificate.pem --private-key ec_key.pem \
--trust-anchor-arn ...Trust Anchor ARN... \
--profile-arn ...IAM Anywhere Profile... \
--role-arn ...Role ARN...
If everything is well, the above should output JSON that can be used for authentication.
Kubernetes setup
Finally, we’re ready to configure Kubernetes workloads.
Create a secret with the certificate:
kubectl -n ray create secret generic iam-ra \
--from-file=certificate.pem=./certificate.pem --from-file=key.pem=./private-key.pem
Then, deploy the following, admittedly huge, pod definition:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: aws-config
namespace: ray
config: |
region = eu-central-1
credential_process = /root/shared/aws_signing_helper credential-process
--certificate /root/.certificates/certificate.pem
--private-key /root/.certificates/key.pem
--trust-anchor-arn ....
--profile-arn ....
--role-arn ....
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: checker
namespace: ray
- name: app-container
image: public.ecr.aws/aws-cli/aws-cli:2.22.32
command: ['sh', '-c']
args: ['aws sts get-caller-identity; echo The app is running! && sleep 3600']
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: certificates
mountPath: /root/.certificates
readOnly: true
- name: aws-config
mountPath: /root/.aws/config
subPath: config
readOnly: true
- name: shared
mountPath: /root/shared
readOnly: true
- name: aws-credentials-setup
image: amazon/aws-cli:2.22.32
- /bin/sh
- -c
- |
# Install rolesanywhere-credential-process
curl -o /root/shared/aws_signing_helper https://rolesanywhere.amazonaws.com/releases/1.0.6/X86_64/Linux/aws_signing_helper
chmod +x /root/shared/aws_signing_helper
- name: shared
mountPath: /root/shared
readOnly: false
- name: aws-config
name: aws-config
- name: certificates
secretName: iam-ra
- key: certificate.pem
path: certificate.pem
- key: key.pem
path: key.pem
- name: shared
emptyDir: {}
Here is what we do above:
- Create an AWS config, that will use the credentials helper to obtain session
- The the pod init container, download the credentials helper
- Mount the secret with the certificate, as well as config file, to the main container
- Use
aws sts get-caller-identity
to check for success.
It should be noted that we use a specific version of the credentials helper, as the latest
version of the aws-cli
docker image and the helper are not compatible.
If everything is OK, the pod will report its newly obtained identity.
While the path above led us to some success, I would say that overall the developer experience here is very convoluted
- The number of steps is very high
- Instead of using AWS SDK directly, we need an additional binary
- There are version coflicts between that library and official CLI images
- The changes we need for a pod are large and intrusive
The last point is the most critical—if you have 100 pods, editing them all to add additional volumes or init containers is very complicated, especially as some pods will be created programmatically.
The overall conclusion is that:
- IAM Roles Anywhere can be used for small cases of workaloads outside of AWS
- It would be painful for large deployments
- For large deployments, you probably should investigate OpenID Connect
- If you still plan to use IAM Roles Anywhere, you probably need to write your own K8S mutating hook to automatically adjust all new pods.
Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any comments.